Is this Course Right for You?
This course is for you if...
You're feeling trapped in the relentless cycle of eating plans and struggling with negative body image.
You're tired of the cycle of emotional eating, binges and constant self criticism
You’re ready to break free from the chaos and regain control over your relationship with food
You are ready to use a holistic approach that blends psychology, mindset and nutrition (and actually works)
It's not the right course if...
You're looking for a quick fix or magic solution without being committed to self-discovery and personal growth
You don't want to challenge any of the deeply ingrained beliefs that are keeping you stuck
You're not ready to explore the psychological and emotional aspects of your relationship with food & body image
You need professional care for anorexia (NB: whilst I do work with people who have diagnosed eating disorders, you might be better suited to 1:1 work. Please reach out to me, or book a call if you’d like to discuss in more detail).